Question Papers GATE 2015 |
AE: Aerospace Engineering |
GG: Geology and Geophysics |
AG: Agricultural Engineering |
IN: Instrumentation Engineering |
AR: Architecture and Planning |
MA: Mathematics |
BT: Biotechnology |
ME: Mechanical Engineering ( ME01 ME02 ME03 ) |
CE: Civil Engineering ( CE01 CE02 ) |
MN: Mining Engineering |
CH: Chemical Engineering |
MT: Metallurgical Engineering |
CS: Computer Sc. and Information Technology ( CS01 CS02 CS03) |
PH: Physics |
CY: Chemistry |
PI: Production and Industrial Engineering |
EC: Electronics and Communication Engg. ( EC01 EC02 EC03) |
TF: Textile Engineering and Fibre Science |
EE: Electrical Engineering ( EE01 EE02) |
XE: Engineering Sciences (XE-A, XE-B, XE-C, XE-D, XE-E, XE-F, XE-G ) |
EY: Ecology and Evolution |
XL: Life Sciences (XL-H, XL-I, XL-J, XL-K, XL-L, XL-M ) |