Syllabus ,CFD, Question papers, Answers, important Question COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS, R13 Regulation, B.Tech , JNTUK,Syllabus, download,
ELEMENTARY DETAILS IN NUMERICAL TECHNIQUES: Number system and errors, representation of integers, fractions, floating point arithmetic, loss of significance and error propagation, condition and instability, computational methods for error estimation, convergence of sequences.
APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS: Solution of a system of simultaneous linear algebraic equations, iterative schemes of matrix inversion, direct methods for matrix inversion, direct methods for banded matrices. REVIEW OF EQUATIONS GOVERNING FLUID FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER: Introduction, conservation of mass, Newton’s second law of motion, expanded forms of navier-stokes equations, conservation of energy principle, special forms of the navier-stokes equations.
Steady flow, dimensionless form of momentum and energy equations, stokes equation, conservative body force fields, stream function - vorticity formulation. Finite difference applications in heat conduction and convention – heat conduction, steady heat conduction in a rectangular geometry, transient heat conduction, finite difference application in convective heat transfer, closure.
Finite differences, discretization, consistency, stability, and fundamentals of fluid flow modeling: introduction, elementary finite difference quotients, implementation aspects of finite-difference equations, consistency, explicit and implicit methods.
Introduction to first order wave equation, stability of hyperbolic and elliptic equations, fundamentals of fluid flow modeling, conservative property, the upwind scheme
FINITE VOLUME METHOD: Approximation of surface integrals, volume integrals, interpolation and differentiation practices, upwind interpolation, linear interpolation and quadratic interpolation.