Syllabus , INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS , R13 Regulation, B.Tech , JNTUK,Syllabus, download,
Introduction to Information Storage and Retrieval System: Introduction, Domain Analysis of IR systems and other types of Information Systems, IR System Evaluation. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms related to Information Retrieval: Basic Concepts, Data structures, Algorithms
Inverted files: Introduction, Structures used in Inverted Files, Building Inverted file using a sorted array, Modifications to Basic Techniques.
Signature Files: Introduction, Concepts of Signature Files, Compression, Vertical Partitioning, Horizontal Partitioning.
New Indices for Text: PAT Trees and PAT Arrays: Introduction, PAT Tree structure, algorithms on the PAT Trees, Building PAT trees as PATRICA Trees, PAT representation as arrays.
Stemming Algorithms: Introduction, Types of Stemming Algorithms, Experimental Evaluations of Stemming to Compress Inverted Files
Thesaurus Construction: Introduction, Features of Thesauri, Thesaurus Construction, Thesaurus construction from Texts, Merging existing Thesauri