Syllabus ,ERTS Question papers, Answers, important Question Embedded and Real Time Systems, R13 Regulation, B.Tech , JNTUK,Syllabus, download,
Introduction to Embedded systems: What is an embedded system Vs. General computing system, history, classification, major application areas, and purpose of embedded systems. Core of embedded system, memory, sensors and actuators, communication interface, embedded firmware, other system components, PCB and passive components.
8—bit microcontrollers architecture: Characteristics, quality attributes application specific, domain specific, embedded systems. Factors to be considered in selecting a controller, 8051 architecture, memory organization, registers, oscillator unit, ports, source current, sinking current, design examples.
RTOS and Scheduling, Operating basics, types, RTOS, tasks, process and threads, multiprocessing and multitasking, types of multitasking, non preemptive, preemptive scheduling.
Task communication of RTOS, Shared memory, pipes, memory mapped objects, message passing, message queue, mailbox, signaling, RPC and sockets, task communication/synchronization issues, racing, deadlock, live lock, the dining philosopher’s problem.
The producer-consumer problem, Reader writers problem, Priority Inversion, Priority ceiling, Task Synchronization techniques, busy waiting, sleep and wakery, semaphore, mutex, critical section objects, events, device, device drivers, how to clause an RTOS, Integration and testing of embedded hardware and fire ware.
Simulators, emulators, Debuggers, Embedded Product Development life cycle (EDLC), Trends in embedded Industry, Introduction to ARM family of processor.